New AccessMedicine Features

AccessMedicine has had some exciting new features and content added to the site over the past month.

Human anatomy modules have been added to AccessMedicine. These 3-D modules will guide you through system-based tours of the human anatomy.  There are currently seven modules/tours covering the Brain, Endocrine System, Gastrointestinal System, Heart, Respiratory System, Spine and Urinary System.  Additional modules/tours will continue to be added to the collection throughout the year.  These can be accessed directly at: Human Anatomy Tours.

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2020 has launched on AccessMedicine.  This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to include:

  • New FDA-approved medication for multiple sclerosis
  • New summary of recommended FDA treatment regimens for hepatitis C
  • U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for osteoporosis, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer
  • Targeted therapies for advanced non-small cell lung cancers
  • Clarification of the appropriate role of opioids and buprenorphine formations in chronic pain management
  • Information on new biologic agents for asthma and many other disorders
  • Extensive update of immune modulation therapy and adjuvant treatments of breast cancer
  • Revised chapter on viral and rickettsial infections, including recent measles, polio, and acute flaccid paralysis outbreaks
  • Revised section on health care for sexual and gender minority patients
The Clerkship Topics on AccessMedicine have been updated.  Each topic in the collection has been reviewed and updated by the medical student advisory board to reflect updated learning objectives.

The Clerkship Topics provide faculty and students with directed readings, multimedia, and cases to help those students on rotation prepare for a particular topic or patient.  Each topic has a durable URL that can be easily integrated into your Learning Management System and you also have the ability to export each assignment.  The Clerkship Topics can be accessed directly under the Study Tools or from the following link: Clerkship Topics.


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