TRIP (Turning Research into Practice) is a free clinical search engine which finds high-quality research evidence to support practice and/or care. TRIP has been redesigned with new features and tools, including a PICO search interface which lets you conduct a search based on a structured clinical question. As well as research evidence TRIP searches for images, videos, educational courses, patient information, and news.
TRIP has been online since 1997 and has developed into a trusted source of evidence-based content. It is easy to use, yet allows a focused search. The goal of its developers was to bring together all evidence based content in one place and make it easily searchable to answer clinical questions. Results can be refined by evidence type (systematic reviews, guidelines, etc.), by question or study type (therapy, harm, etc.) and clinical specialty. You may also limit results to information relevant to developing countries.
Registration is optional but allows you to save searches, star important items and create a research profile so that new items of interest to you are highlighted.
A mobile interface is planned, but not yet available.
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