ORCID Registry for Researchers Open


Last month, the long-awaited ORCID registry opened, allowing researchers to create individual profiles for themselves, their publications, research, and grants. Simply put, this system (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)  creates a unique identifier for each researcher, disambiguating them from any other author with the same name. This ID will be used in several research databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and other databases, and will integrate with other existing researcher profile systems such as Researcher ID. It will also make it easier for universities and colleges to track and publicize faculty author publications, and for funding agencies to link funding to output.

The ORCID registry was developed as partnership of a number of large publishers (Nature, Wiley, Elsevier, Thomson Reuters), universities, and other institutions. Given this broad base of support it is set to be the standard for author identification.

NYMC researchers should register for their ORCID identifier at http://about.orcid.org Feel free to ask a librarian about it or contact your department’s librarian liaison to assist you in setting up you ORCID profile.

For more information read this article: Butler D (2012). Scientists: your number is up. Nature 485, 564 doi:10.1038/485564a.