Library Facilities Update: On Access, Food, and Renovations

IMG_1079I hope you all are enjoying your 24/7 access to the Health Sciences Library. It appears to be working nicely and I appreciate all of your kind words of thanks. We’ve made some accommodations since the initial announcement based upon student feedback and other influences:

  1. First of all please be aware that there is officially a No Food rule in the library. We are well aware that it’s not convenient to leave the library to have a quick pick-me-up snack but as of late there has been an egregious amount of eating present. And it has been students who have come to me to complain about it. For those of you who think it’s okay, it’s not. It’s disruptive, not because it’s ‘against the rules.’ It’s not what you do in a library. It produces smells and mess and noise in an environment where people are trying to study. The No Food rule is still in effect. Please respect it, respect your fellow students, and the space.
  2. The back area of the library will remain open as well as the front area during study only times. This includes the study rooms and classroom 109. The study rooms can be reserved via a manual sign up sheet on the room doors and will have to be self-monitored. Please be respectful of your fellow students.
  3. The Novitch Computer Lab is currently also open during the renovations to the Mastronardi Information Center.

The Mastronardi Information Center renovations are proceeding and we expect work to be completed by mid-February at the latest. Please be aware that this Monday 1/18/16 electrical work will be proceeding beginning around 7:30 AM. This will include some drilling (not as intense as the previous work). They expect to work a half day so you might want to plan your studying accordingly. We are nearing the end of the noisy phase of the project.

Enjoy your long weekend!
