Ask What Reference Can Do for You!

AAL-badge-yellow When was the last time you began a search on PubMed and found exactly what you were looking for on the first try?  Are you starting a research project and want to make sure you don’t miss any crucial articles on a topic? Considering doing a systematic review and need help with the search strategy?  Do you ever feel baffled by citation formatting?  What if you want to learn how to use RefWorks or EndNote?  The Reference Librarians at the Health Sciences Library are here to help!

Reference Librarians are skilled searchers who can be an integral part of the research process, especially for systematic reviews. We can provide expert literature searching if you’re having trouble finding the articles you need, and then assist throughout the research process by providing guidance on search strategies and citation formatting. Stop by the Reference Desk, call 914-594-4210, or fill out the Literature Search Request Form to inquire.

If you have any other immediate or individualized need, librarians are always available for consultations.  Fill out a consultation request form to let us know what you need help with, and we’ll set up an appointment time. Consultations can be held in person or via GoToMeeting, and have included topics such as using RefWorks and EndNote, searching PubMed or other databases, citation formatting for papers or theses, PowerPoint skills, and more.  If you feel more like learning on your own, we’ve got that covered too – check out our video tutorials and tip sheets.

Librarians are also available for orientations, special in-class sessions, and library tours.  Contact your Library Liaison to ask any questions or set up a session.

We look forward to working with you!