Health Sciences Library Classes – October 2013

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Please register ahead of time by using the calendar found at For further information stop by the Reference Desk in the Library. We recommend that you sign up for classes at least 24 hours in advance to avoid cancellation.


Other options: If a class you wish to take is not being offered, or if one of the classes on the schedule is not being offered at a time that is convenient for you, the Reference staff will be more than happy to provide individual instruction to you. Another alternative are the Webinars that are offered on select topics. These allow you to attend a class from the comfort of your own desk. If interested in finding out more:


Introduction to Electronic Resources  – Thursday October 17, 1:00-2:30     Instructor: D. Crooke

The Health Sciences Library offers a wide variety of electronic resources containing textbooks, journal articles, and newspaper articles, as well as links to electronic journals. The class provides an overview of these resources, describing format, content, location, and off-campus access, and then explores several of the resources in greater detail.


PowerPoint for Posters – Thursday October 17, 10:00-11:30     Instructor: M. Cotter

This class will show users simple techniques using PowerPoint to create professional looking posters for conferences, meetings, etc.

RefWorks Fundamentals – Monday October 14, 10:00-11:30 (webinar)      Instructor: M. Ascher                           

RefWorks is a management program that allows one to build a bibliographic database. The class focuses on how to download citations from a bibliographic database; search downloaded citations to build a customized reference list for papers; and insert cited references into text while writing a paper to generate a bibliography.  PLEASE HAVE YOUR REFWORKS ACCOUNT SET UP PRIOR TO ATTENDING THE CLASS.  If you need assistance, see the following page:  or call the Reference Desk at 914-594-4210.


Searching PubMed – Friday October 11, 1:00-2:30 (webinar)     Instructor: S. Manning

This class covers the features and search techniques available for searching NLM’s web-based version of MEDLINE, PubMed. Included are the unique search features, how to perform simple and complex searches, how to use limits to narrow a search, as well as how to save and print a search strategy.  Also discussed is the use of PubMed Linkout which allows users to link from the search results to full-text articles.


SurveyMonkey Basics-Wednesday October 23, 12:00-1:00     Instructor: D. Crooke

Using web-based SurveyMonkey software, this hands-on session will take you through the basics of designing a survey, collecting responses and downloading results for analysis. Includes instruction related to asking good survey questions, selecting the appropriate question type, applying “skip logic,” setting up a collector for disseminating the survey, and more. No prerequisites


Tech Tuesday – Tuesday October 1, 11:00-11:30     Instructor: P. Stein

The Tech Tuesday series is meant to be a quick and informal introduction to web-based tools which the librarians select to assist with presentations, productivity and organization. The topic this week:

Search Engine Shortcuts

This session will go over searching tips and techniques for the three major search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Learn how to refine your searches on these sites to get better targeted results using keyword shortcuts and symbols.  There will also be a brief discussion of other targeted search engines like Wolfram Alpha and the Internet Archive.


Using EndNote Web – Thursday October 10,  10:00-11:30     Instructor: S. Manning
Available freely on the Web to the entire NYMC community, EndNote is a management program that allows a user to create a bibliographic database. The class covers how to retrieve records from a database (such as MEDLINE), organize and edit records after downloading them to a personal computer, and generate a bibliography.