EndNote Desktop Now Offered by the Health Sciences Library

The Health Sciences Library is happy to announce that the college now has a site license to EndNote Desktop. This site license allows all eligible users of the Library (all faculty, students, residents, and employees) to download and install EndNote to their own computers. See this guide for more information: https://guides.library.nymc.edu/c.php?g=1126662&p=8219349 

Note: Download of the installation files will be most successful on a hard-wired machine. If you get a network error and are using a wireless connection, move to a stronger signal point and try again.

Endnote Desktop is bibliographic management software. Endnote allows you to:

  • Collect and save citations to your personalized EndNote Library.
  • Organize saved references into groups.
  • Insert in-text citations and format your bibliography using Endnote’s “Cite While You Write” Microsoft Word plug-in.
  • Share your Endnote library and collaborate with colleagues.
  • Store and annotate full-text pdfs attached to a reference.

The library will be offering online training workshops on the use of EndNote in the coming months. Stay tuned for those announcements. In the meantime, if you need assistance, please schedule a consultation with one of our librarians. Additionally, if you are a RefWorks user, please be aware that this product will replace RefWorks soon. You will need to migrate your RefWorks references to your new EndNote Library. These instructions will walk you through that process.