Ready to move to the new RefWorks?

Ready to move to the new RefWorks?

The process of creating a new account or moving your current account to the new version is surprisingly easy and should take about 10 minutes. You can keep both versions of RefWorks after you have upgraded, until ProQuest stops support of the legacy version in September 2018.

The upgrade steps are:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Account (see right)
  3. You will be asked for your email, use your NYMC email.
  4. The password can be anything you prefer.
  5. You will receive an authentication request in your email, click on the link.
  6. Sign in to your NEW REFWORKS account.
  7. You will be asked if you want to migrate your legacy RefWorks library into the new RefWorks.  If you have a RefWorks account, say Yes. The process takes less than 5 minutes.  (This step does not apply to new RefWorks users). Or you can wait and import your legacy RefWorks library another time, especially if you have access via another institution or are currently working on a project.
  8. If you have previously installed Write-n-Cite, you will need to UNINSTALL the previous plug-in for Microsoft Word BEFORE you install the new version of the plug-in for Microsoft Word (there is one for 2016 and another for earlier versions of Word).
  9. Now, there is also an Add-on for Google Docs if that is your preferred word processing tool.





For numbers 5 and 6 from above, find Tools in the “three vertical dots” See above.


Save to RefWorks. This helps you add information to your RefWorks library.refworkstool

You drag and drop this bookmarklet into your browser’s bookmarks toolbar.





Write-N-Cite. Install the plugin for your writing software. Notice the choices: Write-N-Cite for older versions of Microsoft Word and RefWorks Citation Manager for Word 2016. This involves a download, installation, and then checking in Word to make sure it is working.

There is also an add-on for Google Docs!

Word 2016: Microsoft Office 2016 came out in the summer-to-fall of 2015 for both Mac and Windows. Since that time those using RefWorks have faced a problem. If you have Office 2016 or Word 2016, the RefWorks Write-n-Cite plugin is accessed through Word 2016.


Note: Upgrading from the legacy RefWorks is not recommended if you are in the middle of a project. Write-n-Cite papers started in legacy RefWorks may not be compatible with the new RefWorks. It is advisable that you wait to upgrade after completing your work.


Not familiar with RefWorks in any capacity (either interface)? Visit our class request page to sign up for a RefWorks session.