Endnote vs Endnote Web

Here’s a handy little table from Thomson Reuters comparing Endnote with Endnote Web.

Compare features: EndNote Web EndNote
Save references + +
Organize & edit references + +
Storage capacity (number of references) 10,000 unlimited
Import from many databases and OPACs + +
Cite & format papers with bibliographies + +
Create & save advanced searches +
Customize views & displays +
Edit reference import filters & output styles +
Use term lists for auto-entry +
Cite tables, figures, & equations +
Work Offline (anytime/anywhere) +
Local Personal Files and Documents +
High Performance Desktop Environment +

If you want to know more about the ins and outs of Endnote, Shawn Manning will be teaching a class this Friday, February 26, 2010 at 1 pm.

To register: http://library.nymc.edu/Calendar/index.cfm?calendar_id=359