The Health Sciences Library has added two new classes to our list:
Conducting the Systematic Review: An Overview – Tuesday November 12, 1:00 -2:30
Instructors: M. Ascher & D. Crooke
Have you ever considered conducting a systematic review? This overview class will present the process, some standards and tools for conducting a systematic review. This includes framing your question, developing your protocol and methodology including a thorough search strategy, and tools for managing your references and screening data. The role of the librarian in the process emphasized.
To register:
Adobe Captivate Basics – Thursday November 14, 2:00-3:30 Instructor: P. Stein
Adobe Captivate is a dynamic presentation software package. With it, you can create self-running presentations, tutorials, and software demonstrations that include animations and voiceover, and interactive elements like quizzes, user input fields, and click buttons.
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