Access Medicine Training Session in the Library Today

There will be a training session for our new online resource, AccessMedicine at 2pm in the library classroom 109 TODAY!

Our account representative from McGraw-Hill will be here to show us all the features and answer any questions we have about AccessMedicine.

No registration is required. Please come and join us!

AcccessMedicine – “ innovative online resource that provides students, residents, clinicians, researchers, and all health professionals with access to more than 65 medical titles from the best minds in medicine, updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, a comprehensive search platform, and the ability to download content to a mobile device.” AccessMedicine is a great searchable database for textbook information, drug information, and multimedia. All NYMC clinicians should familiarize themselves with this resource.

AccessMedicine is accessible from (from off campus, please log on to the library website: and click on “databases”. You will see AccessMedicine is listed at 2nd one from the top.)

[Posted on behalf of Rie Smethurst].