Writing and Publishing a Case Report

Join us Friday, January 5th at 12:00 pm for Writing and Publishing a Case Report, a 1-hour information session hosted by the Office of Academic Excellence and the Phillip Capozzi, M.D. Library.

Case reports are a worthy addition to the medical literature, often initiating more robust studies. For residents, students, and faculty this publication type may be integrated into a busy schedule and is a valuable way of translating clinical experiences to published scholarly work. This virtual information session will guide registrants in the practicalities of selecting, writing, and publishing a quality case report. All New York Medical College affiliates are welcome and are encouraged to ask questions. Register Here. 


Albert B. Lowenfels, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Surgery and Professor of Family and Preventive Medicine

Amy Stermer, M.A., Assistant Director, Student Academic Support, Office of Academic Excellence

Jeanette Aprile, M.S.I.L.S., Scholarly Communication & Content Librarian, Phillip Capozzi, M.D. Library